what we wo
We offer exceptional, trustworthy, and dependable services.
Proposal Management and Solutions Development
- Proposal writing and Editing
- Proposal reviews
- Proposal development
- Business Proposal Writing and Editing
Business Consulting & Project Management
- Project life cycle managements
- Peace building, reconciliation and human rights programs
- Resilience development programs
- Financial managements consulting
- Human resource consulting’s.
Sustainable Development Livelihood Programs
- Agro-business, fishers and livestock consulting and Training.
- Construction and/or rehabilitation of infrastructure though CFW
- Food for Assets /Cash transfer programs
- Support to agriculture sector through training / capacity building
- Support to livestock sector through inputs distribution
- Support to livestock sector through training / capacity building
- Support to livestock sector through Provision of veterinary services-treatment and vaccination
- Support to agriculture sector through Cash Plus and inputs distribution
Public Sector and NGO Consulting
- Third party monitoring and Evaluations
- Research, assessment and Evaluation
- Feasibility studies
- Market Analysis and research consulting
- Capacity Needs assessments
Capacity Building, Knowledge Management & Skills Development Programs
- Skills training programs and certifications.
- Entrepreneurship & SME development programs
- Soft skills and business development start-up training